Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Since I was a child I have always liked two subjects: Math and Art, so I wanted to enter a career that involved both or one of them. So I thought about Architecture, I thought it was the ideal career for me. Until, after a while, I realized it wasn't what I really liked. I'm not passionate about the design of buildings, houses or public space structures; I mean I don't want any of that in my future. So I changed my plans. After taking the PSU, I researched on careers that caught my eye, and I discovered Design. I really liked its creative approach and thought "maybe I will draw a lot here", so I decided to take that way. And, despite having been in this career for a year and a half, I must admit that it's not what I expected. Until now I don't know if it is the career that I like 100%, but I feel I'm learning things that could help me in the future. I mean, I don't know what will happen in my future and I'm not sure what to do with my life, but I feel like I'm not going astray.


  1. Winny, what do you expect from design?

  2. Hey Winny, what did you expect from the Design career?

  3. Have you thought of another university with a different focus on design?
